通訳者からのアドバイス Tips from an Interpreter

I just came back from a 3-day medical conference in Dubai. The conference organiser's outstanding production skills and willingness to learn from us interpreters were unprecedented. I was genuinely blown away by them. It was honestly the best conference I have worked in. Ever. Sometimes, conference organising companies are unfamiliar with how the provision of interpretation works, and that could result in depriving some participants of a full conference experience. So, I would like to encourage...
1. まず最も大切なことは、絶対に決してどんなことがあっても、「早口にならないこと」。これを守れれば、あなたのプレゼンは90%成功したも同然です。 2. 1さえクリアできれば細かい文法の間違いは気にしなくても大丈夫です。三単現のSくらい抜かしてもちゃんと聴衆に意味は伝わります。おおらかに構えましょう。 3....