
奈良県展:Nara, Sacred Images from Early Japan




昨年秋に大英博物館で開催された奈良県特別展「Nara: Sacred Imanges from Early Japan」では準備段階から開会式、閉会式まで通訳者としてお手伝いさせて頂きました。このような大規模な展示会の通訳をさせて頂くのは初めてのことで、その準備と開催がどれだけ大変なものかを、その片鱗だけでも目の当たりにさせて頂くことができました。大英博物館の専門家の方々、奈良県側の担当部署の方々の熱心で真摯なお仕事ぶりに頭が下がる思いでした。





Nara: Sacred images from early japan

A very happy New Year to you all.


It was a valuable and enjoyable experience last autumn working for a spcecial exhibition at the British Museum called "Nara: Sacred Images from Early Japan". I had no idea that organising an exhibition takes that long and that much efforts. I feel honoured to be part of such a beautiful and spiritual exhibition. I met so many outstanding specialists who carried out their respective work diligently and with passion behind the scenes.


Of the 19 priceless works of art exhibited free of charge at the British Museum, 5 were national treasures which had never been seen outside of Japan before. As a Japanese citizen, I was very happy to learn that many visitors to the British Museum had a chance to experience the beauty and sprituality of Nara prefecture's precious religeous art. 


This is why I love my profession. As an interpreter, I can make a contribution, however small, to the introduction of the Japanese culture to the world.